Parent Resources

FCPS offers various supports to parents.

Language Translation Support:

Language line

FCPS offers telephone support to parents who do not speak English as their first language

Talking Points Parents APP

Two-way communication between families and schools is extremely important. To ensure that all families can understand and benefit from school communications, families and teachers can download the FREE Talking Points translation app on their device to communicate using text messages in their own language. It can be set up for 100+ languages. There is a version for families to download, and a version for teachers to set up their list of family contacts. Each text goes through a computer and human translation process to make sure it is a high quality translation. Learn more from the links below.

Getting Started with Talking Points for Parents - English

How Do I Change My Language on the Talking Points App

Talking Points for Parents – ONE PAGER

Talking Points Parent App Links

Talking Points – Text to Speech

Letters to Parents in 30 languages

Parent Technology Support:

Links to support you in Google, Schoology, Zoom, and to submit a request it ticket.


Testing information by grade level

Universal Screener 

Universal Screener Parent Notification: click here to access information to help you to understand your child's universal screener test.


Universal Screener Resultsclick here to get information on your child's universal screener performance.